The Family of Jesus Theme

This program introduces the children to the idea that just as we have an earthly family, so God want us to belong to His heavenly family as well.  Included in the heavenly family are all nationalities, races, age groups and those with disabilities.  It finishes with looking forward to heaven and being reunited with our big brother, Jesus, and seeing Him face to face.

It is based on Matthew 12:50 ,  Ephesians 3:14-21, Jeremiah 31:1-14; Adventist Home  p159, 190-199, 533-550 ; Desire of Ages Ch33  "Who Are My Brethren?"

Have one corner of the room set up as an indoor scene with dolls dressed as mum, dad and children looking at books or playing together.  Attached to wall above the indoor scene would be a felt angel or if you have them one for each member of the doll family to show that the angels are watching over us.   In another corner have pictures or dolls dressed from different countries and races.  You could include pictures of families from different countries and races and different ages.  Include the very young and also the old and disabled so that the children learn that all are included in the family of God.  Be sure to include a picture of Jesus as part of the family.

These resources are free to download and be used as a ministry for children.