Year 2 Quarter 3:
John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus, Jesus disciples and his first
few miracles.
Craft: Pillow
covers: Make or buy pillow covers, or cut material into banners.
Draw or stitch lines to divide that area into 12 squares.
Each week the children use different fabric cutouts, wool, string, puff
paint etc. to make a picture about the weeks lesson.
Each week I give each teacher a plastic folder which
contains the "program list" for the day and all the supplies that the
kids at that table will need including glue and scissors.
Tip: A quick
and professional way to cut shapes from synthetic fabric (most fabrics
with a shiny finish) is to use a soldering iron. Turn the
soldering iron up to it's maximum temperature and lay your material on
a scrap of ply wood. You can make templates out of paper,
cardboard or by bending light craft wire to the desired
shape; trace around the template with the hot soldering iron
and the heat will both cut and seal the fabric.
Different fabric including: fake fur, satin or polyester
fabric in blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, orange, skin colour (can
substitute some colours), white fleecy material
Cream coloured wool, string, thin ribbon, small bells
Fabric paint, puff paint and laundry markers
Soldering iron and a scrap of ply wood
Glue: For pillow covers, I used a washable glue from
Spotlight. When we did banners, I used Tacky glue.
These resources are
free to download and be used as a ministry for children.
only condition is that if you are printing the lesson books to hand
out, you must
print them double sided and staple them in proper booklet form.
To browse through or download individual files see our Overview.
"No Reading" level, pink lesson booklets for this quarter.
"Learning to Read" level, yellow lesson booklets for
"Reading" level, blue lesson booklets for this
"Junior/Teen" level, orange lesson booklets for this
program, craft helps and Bible verse colouring pages for this