Year 2 Quarter 4:
Jesus ministry from the Sermon on the Mount until the teaching
forgiveness, including, calming the storm, walking on water, feeding
the 4000 and 5000, and the transfiguration.
Craft: Prayer
boxes. Scenes from Jesus parables are portrayed on the box
prayer cards are added each week.
Older groups
of children may decoupage their boxes, while younger children
use stickers.
For the older children I bought 15cm x 12cm x 10cm high boxes with a
lid that was hinged at the back and snapped onto the front.
For the younger children I used 10cm x 10cm x 10cm boxes with
a lift off lid.
A box per child. I purchased the boxes from Spotlight, but
I have also
seen them in craft stores.
A mixture of Clag and PVA glue for each group with brushes
or in squeeze bottles.
A laser printer to print the pictures for the decoupage.
if you do use an inkjet printer, you will need to buy a sealing spray
from your craft shop to stop the ink from running with the glue.
Printable A4 cardboard - 190gsm. I buy it from
either Big W or Office Works. Note: I get 190gsm because I
found heavier gsm card is more likely to jam in the printer.
Clear A4 printable labels, make sure they are
suitable your colour printer. I use Avery L7567 stickers from
Office Works.
White A4, 4 stickers per sheet, printable labels.
I use Avery DL04 stickers from Office Works.
Coloured paper
A guillotine or paper cutter
Optional: Curvy scissors to make wave or cloud shapes.
These resources are
free to download and be used as a ministry for children.
only condition is that if you are printing the lesson books to hand
out, you must
print them double sided and staple them in proper booklet form.
To browse through or download individual files see our Overview.
"No Reading" level, pink lesson booklets for this quarter.
"Learning to Read" level, yellow lesson booklets for
"Reading" level, blue lesson booklets for this
"Junior/Teen" level, orange lesson booklets for this
program and craft helps and bible verse colouring pages for this